
Journal on OIP in China - Day 27 & 28

Day 27 March 30
This morning I woke up at 6.45am. As usual, I did my laundry, washed up and got myself prepared for morning lesson. Today’s lesson was started at 10am since last night Mr Chua had informed us during the barbeque session. Later I did my homework until 9.30am plus. Then, as I was doing my homework, a local lady was knocked the door so I opened up and she said that she was doing the housekeeping and clearing the rubbish. Not only that’s her job, she was helped us to clean the room as well. After she had done, I thanked her immediately on behalf of my roommates. At about 9.30am plus, most of my group were ready and walked down towards to the classroom. When we were walking along, one of my group member, Shaoming was suggested that whether could take a light breakfast before we went for the class. So we went to the canteen nearby, Canteen 1 for having our breakfast there. After that, we walked out of the canteen and went to the classroom. Today’s lesson was APPG as usual this week was the last week for us to complete this module. It was left few days to be completed and most of our homework had to be completed as soon as possible. I felt that this was much pressure than what I normally have in school during the semester. Then, we were been taught on the new chapter, Chapter 6 Methods, did the tutorial and submitted before we went for our lunch. My lunch for today was much simple. I went to Canteen 3 and bought a packet of food back to have it at the hostel. After buying my lunch, I walked down to the ground level at the canteen to buy a cheap usb mouse. Unfortunately, during the days in China, my current usb wireless mouse was going to be spoilt. And yet it was unexpectedly to be happened during this period. So I asked the shop seller whether they did sell as cheap as possible. Then, the shop seller was introduced me some of the usb mouse. One of them cost about $28-$30 RMB and the other sells at $50 RMB and above. So I picked the one that cost me $28 RMB and bought it. I found that it was quite reasonable to buy a cheap usb mouse here. In Singapore, the lowest price I could find was about $9-$10 SGD as the minimum. So if convert from RMB to SGD, $28 RMB was about $5-$6 SGD. Therefore it considered cheap among the others. Then, I went back to the hostel and continued doing on my homework until 1.30pm plus. As usual, at about 1.30pm, I walked down and went to the classroom with my group together. As we were on our way for the class, my group member, Shaoming and Siew bo were folding paper crane with a $2 SGD note. Then, when we reached the classroom, we were been told to do on lab 6 after our lecturer, Mr Ma had gone through the Chapter 6 completely. However, the lab 6 was the most difficult to do among the previous labs that we done. In the beginning, we were confused on how it worked and got stuck by looking the program format before we could move on. Later, Mr Ma had shown us the program codes and the example but yet it was seem to be very tedious than normally. After that, we were moved on doing lab 6 until 5pm plus before the class ended. At about 5pm plus, we went back to the hostel and immediately started to do the lab 6. Finally, I was managed to complete it after 2 hours duration and then I went down to the same place for having dinner on my own. Later, after had eaten my dinner, I was on the way back to the hostel. I saw my classmates and our lecturers, Mr Ma and Mr Chua were standing outside the clinic room. I told them what happened and i been told that one of my classmates was having food poisoned. After heard this news from them, I was shocked suddenly. I hope that he was alright after he was healed. When I reached the hostel room, I saw some of my classmates were gathered and did their lab 6 together in the living room. And then, I went back to my room and continued doing on my homework. As for today, it was not pretty much to be observed. However I found that the local people love to play sports game such badminton, volleyball and etc. As I was walking outside, most of the time I saw the same local people playing badminton with their friends outside the shop. I was about to take picture of them but the picture looked so dark after had taken it.

Day 28 March 31
This morning as usual, I woke up at 6.45am to do laundry, wash up and get myself prepared to attend for morning lesson at 9am. At about 8.30am, my group and I went down together and headed to the same canteen, Canteen 1 for having our breakfast. When we reached, we immediately ordered the same food from the same stall and had it after that. As we were eating, I saw a guy was holding 3-4 of empty bottles. I was thinking whether he was going to throw them away in the dustbin. However he was placed inside a container that contained the empty bottles. I believed that he was placing them for reuse the bottles and sell it again. I found that it was a good idea to worth on doing it. Unlike in Singapore, people don’t normally recycle or reuse them and sell them nowadays. In the past, there was happened to do it before but now every drinks was filled in a can instead of a bottle. I also found out that the people here were always following the 3 R’s rules. They were Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. Not only did they reuse the empty bottles, they also charged on some amount for the use of plastic bags. This was to be done for encouraging the local people to reduce the number of using the plastic bag. In Singapore, people don’t really bother much on 3 R’s last time as nowadays government had also encouraged us to do this procedure. From doing this way, we could save the natural resources and the environment. Next, we walked out of the canteen and headed to the classroom together with our classmates. Then on our way, I saw there was a cleaner was cleaning the local public phone. At first, I was thought that she was making her phone call when we were just walked out of the canteen. However it was not in the closer distance. This was my first saw this situation. Normally in Singapore, people just don’t bother on cleaning the public phones or public facilities. I only knew that the cleaners in Singapore were just to clean the areas such as toilets, road, building and etc but I have never seen anyone cleaning the public phone. Maybe I was thinking that she was doing as her part of the work requirement. Then, when we reached the classroom, we were immediately started to be taught by Mr Ma on the new and last chapter, Chapter 7 on Arrays. As he was teaching us this chapter, I found that it was so difficult to understand the procedure of Arrays. However, I have never been learnt it since in ITE or last semester in polytechnic. This chapter was regarded as my first new topic since I have studied the rests during in ITE and polytechnic. As time went by, I slowly began to start understanding on the concept of Array. After had managed to finish the lab work of chapter 7, I had understand how does the array being structured by writing the codes. At about 5pm plus, the lesson was ended. Then, my group and I went to our hostel and got ourselves changed for having dinner at the same place outside the school. By the time when we reached the place, we ordered food and a bowl of round sesame dumpling individually. What I surprised was I didn’t know that there was a stall sells a bowl of round dumpling since I came to Wuhan over the several weeks. Then I gave it a try on this dish, but yet it was much delicious than what I had in Singapore. The cost of one bowl was about $2 RMB and it contained 8 of them per bowl. I found that it was twice as cheaper than in Singapore. In Singapore, the most I could get was 4-5 of them but the price was much expensive than what I ordered in China. After had our dinner, we walked back to the hostel and continued on doing our homework. As for today, it wasn’t much to be observed. However I have tried the local round dumpling, it was really that tasty and worth to eat in China rather than in Singapore. At the same time, I noticed that the transports such as cars, buses that like to horn wherever travelled along the main road. Unlike in Singapore, it would be charged and fined if having this situation but in China, local people just did it without being care. From the lesson that I learnt today was quite confused in the beginning but I had managed slowly to understand the concept by doing more practices.