
Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment

Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment
Current self estimate – score: 1-100
Target to be aimed for OIP in China- score: 1-100


I would like to improve this area through this OIP. Although I am a person who not really open-minded and yet a lot of things which i couldn’t learn from what people do. So in order to achieve a better learning, I have to start on improving it.

Current self-estimate: 50
Target aimed in China: 70

Respect for other beliefs:

By respecting for other’s beliefs, I must try to understand and get to know them better day by day. So in the future when there’s any problem occurs, it will improve the relationship that we have.

Current self-estimate: 60
Target aimed in China: 75

Trust in other people:

Sometimes in real life, there are people who don’t really trust with one another. However by gaining trust in other people, it will allow me and my team to do better work in projects or homework.

Current self-estimate: 70
Target aimed in China: 85

Tolerance for discomfort:

Although I am a person who takes the matter easy whenever there’s discomfort. However, every people have their own limit to withstand the tolerance. In order to improve this area, it will allow me to learn better when come across in working society.

Current self-estimate: 80
Target aimed in China: 95

Tolerance for ambiguity:

Sometimes things may cause doubt whenever I do. No matter what’s right or wrong, I will do things by making correct decision.

Current self-estimate: 70
Target aimed in China: 85


I am an impatient person. Whenever I do work, I will easily lose my temper and in the end make the work to be worst. As a result, it will cause me to be suffered and do the work twice as much as in the first place.

Current self-estimate: 45
Target to be aimed in China: 60

Sense of personal control:

I was started to have my personal control since I was in secondary school days. Without having it, I may cause troubles from people easily. As the result, I may suffer the cause more than others.

Current self-estimate: 80
Target to be aimed in China: 95

Interpersonal skills:

My interpersonal skill isn’t quite good since over the years. Every time whenever I meet with different people, firstly I couldn’t talk much after self-introduction. This will easily for people to have bad impression of me.

Current self-estimate: 65
Target to be aimed in China: 80

Willingness to take initiative:

People may think that I just come and wait to be served if I didn’t take initiative. However, this is very important in the real life. It will easily to let people have bad impression and cause conflicts with one another. In order to improve on this area, I have to take initiative whenever I meet with my friends or classmates in China.

Current self-estimate: 70
Target to be aimed in China: 85

Willing to take risks:

By taking risk, it will allow me to learn and achieve better learning. Without risk, it wouldn’t allow me to learn more and get to know things that I never met before.

Current self-estimate: 75
Target to be aimed in China: 95

Sense of humor:

In real life, one must to have a sense of humor. Without having it, it will cause me to be serious in work every day. Therefore, it will have no happy journey in this OIP.

Current self-estimate: 65
Target to be aimed in China: 75

Curiosity about other cultures:

I am a person who loves to curious everything i meet. In term of other cultures, it allows me to increase on my curiosity level and get to know more things better.

Current self-estimate: 70
Target to be aimed in China: 85

Comfort level with strangers:

The comfort level with strangers I have was pretty low. I will talk more or communicate whenever I see familiar faces. However, in future when I am in working society, I will easily to be suffered more than what I am currently.

Current self-estimate: 45
Target to be aimed in China: 60

As a conclusion, I will improve on the weaker area that I have through this OIP in China. In future, when I back to Singapore, it will allow me to transfer a better person. However, it wouldn’t change completely in a short time. As time goes by, I will try to avoid on making the same mistake. Also, through this OIP, I have become more independently without making others to be worried.