
Journal on OIP in China - Day 5 & 6

Day 5 March 8
This morning, as usual woke up around 8am to settle my stuffs. However today is our free day for our shopping and it’s a day for pregnant mothers, known as “Sam Ba Fu Nu Jie” in China but we were needed to report our status to our lecturer during afternoon and evening So been settling my stuffs until 11am plus, my groups were awoke and we went to go for our lunch after washed up. Then, as usual, we ordered the different dishes from the same stall. Most of the dishes sell from that stall were pretty delicious but were a bit salty. Next, we went back to our hostel and watched some shows while waited for my roommates from playing basketball. Later, when they came back, we were discussing together where we wanted to go and what time we were set off. After discussed, we decided to set off at 4pm to this night market in Wuhan, located at the street of Shan Quan Shi, where is Hu Quan Shi nearby. So while all of us were waiting until 4pm, we were ready to set off. After we were gathered at main entrance of the campus, we were not so sure how to go there by the bus. Fortunately we have found this transport service opposite the campus outside where beside the bus stop. It offered us to go any area by paying $30 RMB per van regardless how many people going. Then we found that it was pretty worth and good deal since there were 13 of us going together. One van consists of 7 people maximum, so 13 of us had split into two vans headed towards the same destination. So by the time we reached the destination, we were required to pay $4.30 RMB to the driver from each of us. Later, we were split into groups and walked separately. The night market was very crowded before my group and I walked in to have a look. Then, when we were inside the market, I saw the stuffs sell pretty cheap also and decided to get some presents for my friends’ birthday in Singapore as well. The quality of the stuffs such as clothes, belts are not really bad but some are selling cheaper in very good condition too. Next, we kept walking in until we passed by a shop which sells sport attires, jeans and some jackets. Then, one of my group members, Siew Bo decided to buy one set at the cost of $120 RMB, original price was about $190 and the store owner told us that the sport attire sets normally sell up to $400-500 in SGD. We were so shocked and then Siew bo decided to choose and bought himself a set at the selling cost of $120 RMB. Later, we took our courage to ask the store owner whether could take a photo with her. The store owner was at the age of 40-50, although her age was bit old but she looked younger, we thought her age roughly about 30s. After had taking a photo with her, she told us that she would take us to go out for shopping and eating when we come back the next time. She sincerely spoke to us and almost regarded all of us as her godsons. Then, we walked around in the market, and then walked out. As we kept walking along the street, we passed by a shop sells bags at the cost of $19 RMB regardless what kind of bag such as large, small, medium or even luggage as well. We were so amazed that it sells so cheap. Unlike in Singapore, even a medium luggage sells about $80-90 SGD but in Wuhan’s night market, it sells so cheap. So my group and I didn’t manage to buy one except my group member, Siew bo bought one. Next, we walked until at the very end of the night market street. My group member, Jeremy went to seek a shop that sells bags, shoes and etc. So we passed to a shop and Jeremy bought two bags at $180 RMB, one for himself while another for his brother. As usual, after buying, we also took our courage to ask the shop owner to take a photo with us. One was with most of us together, and another was individual with the shop owner and her dog, in total we had taken two photos in a shot. After that, we went to the meeting point to meet our roommates for going back together. So all of us went to ask for a van driver to take us back, and the driver offered a price of $70 RMB for the total of two vans. And we accepted the offer. In about 30 minutes later, we have reached the campus outside. Then we went to have our dinner at the outside campus nearby. My roommates and my group were having dinner separately. While they were having KFC, my group and I went to the street that sells local cuisine dishes such as crystal dumpling, Dry noodles, Fried rice and so on. After we ordered the food from the stall, we went to have our seats. However, before we had our seats, we saw a bunch of rubbish lied on the ground and the glass too. We saw and it was almost terrible. In China, this was pretty rare. As in Singapore, littering on the ground will be charged or fined according to the laws but in China, it’s different. They could litter anywhere they wish because the place didn’t set with the law. After had our dinner, we walked back to our campus and waited for 10pm from our lecturer’s briefing for tomorrow. After that, it’s turned in for sleep. As today’s trip, although it’s an activity day for all of us but for my group and I had learnt their culture such as littering, splitting and etc. There were so many which we haven’t seen yet but today was the part of it. So for tomorrow, there is not really an activity. But according to our lecturer, said that there will have our guest lecturer who teaches us another module. Hope I am looking forward tomorrow.

Here is the Hu Quan street where we located

Duck's tongue. Seem disgusting? Not really...

Inside the market of Hu Quan

Oops... seem blur..



Siew bo's shop? Xiao bao...

What was Siew Bo looking at?

Sport attire

Our grandmom.. haha but seem to be blur cause of my camera focus.

A clearer view.. Oops i not in because i was taking it.


Turtles, fishes that sell along the street

Public phones

Local motorbike.. Seem like scooter.

Shoes Gang??? Really exist in China?

Taken together with the staffs.

Siew bo very fortunate haha..

Hu quan market in night time

Local taxi

What a cute puppy.

it's crowling.. Hey dont move.. let me take a shot of you...

This is the place where we have for dinner.

Famous in China isnt it? Let's littering!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another combo..

Day 6 March 9
This morning, I have managed to wake up at 6.45am instead of 7am plus. Then, I washed up and prepared for the class at 8am. Around 7.45am, my group and I were on our way to our classroom. However, this morning’s lecture was special as it was given by our guest lecturer, Miss Anna Xie. She spoke in English very fluently also gave us some lecture in Wuhan history and some brief introduction in the area of cultures, food and festivals. The duration of the lecture was quite long, 4 hours from 8am -12pm, however we been given 10 minutes break twice within the period. Today’s class was very good and allowed me to learn the culture here easily. Also, I got to know their other famous spots and food which was beyond my research during in Singapore. I was very glad what I learnt through today’s lesson. Miss Anna Xie was pretty nice as my group and I saw her having lunch with her colleague during our lunch break in Canteen 3. They were just sitting behind us. And we greeted them with our smile. After had our lunch, we went back to our hostel and had some rest until 1.30pm before we went for the lesson at 2pm. At about 1.30pm plus, we went down and on our way to the classroom. Today afternoon’s lesson, was an IS period from 2-5pm according to the timetable given by our lecturer this noon. Today, our assignment was just pretty simple as we were told to do summarize in essay form according to what we had learnt this morning’s lesson. We were been told to do summarize of Wuhan and Hubei. All of us had managed to complete them around 4pm. After our lesson ended at 5pm, we went down and headed to canteen 3 for our early dinner. As we reached there, we bought our dinner from the same stall. I, myself had ordered a dishes called “Xiang Chan Cao Fen”. It was pretty nice as it was been fried very tasty. Unlike in Singapore, the food has totally no taste or a bit but here was different, it offered full taste from it. Then after our dinner, we went to our hostel and had some shower. Until 7.15pm, we went down to wait for our lecturers to bring us to the campus clubhouse. However, we called Mr Ma and been told to meet 7.45pm instead 7.15pm. So while we were waiting, we went to the campus co-op to buy utensil for washing clothes. Next, we went back to the campus clubhouse outside, the timing was just nice and we saw some of our friends and lecturers were inside the clubhouse. So we went in and wrote our name for registration. After that, we went up to the second level to visit their gym facility, billiard or pool and even a room for chess checkers. Later, we went up but unfortunately the doors were locked at the third and forth level. So we went down to level 1, ground level to wait for our lecturers to brief for tomorrow’s lesson. Then, we were told to meet 9am as the usual place for tomorrow morning lesson. After that, majority of my group and our friends were decided to buy some food for tomorrow breakfast. So we went out to the campus outside and walked to the cake shop nearby. The breads were selling very cheap too as one of our friends has introduced some to us that are delicious and worth to buy. We bought some of the breads for tomorrow morning breakfast as we could save up some money rather than spend much on the morning snacks at canteen 2. After buying, we were headed back to our hostel and turned in to sleep soon. So as for today, I had learnt something new about the culture & food in Wuhan. I would not give it a miss when I have the opportunity to travel around with my group together. According to the research of Wuhan, Wuhan is also known for its food as there has a sentence, “eat while we walk” and that was what I had learnt from this morning’s lesson with Miss Anna Xie.

The computer that use in our classroom

Gym facility in the recreation building

Chess room

What a muscular woman in the picture.

The name of recreation building

pool facility