
Journal on OIP in China - Day 31 & 32

Day 31 April 3

Today as usual, I woke up at 6.15am to do daily routine such as laundry, washed up and followed by breakfast. At about 7.20am plus, I went down to the nearby canteen, Canteen 1 for having breakfast on my own since most of my group went off earlier than me. After had my breakfast, I saw my group were making their way to the canteen and told me they were about to have their breakfast. So I went off to the classroom first and left them behind at the canteen. Today’s morning lesson was APPG as we were been doing our revision on theory test 2 which was supposed to fall on next Wednesday. After had done the revision, Mr Ma had given us back our theory test 1 paper. I was suddenly lost control on my emotional and started to have minor headache after I had seen my paper. I was supposed to be cried out whenever I saw my marks from tests and exam. Although I was not aiming for high marks and to be compared with other students, it was due to my expectation that must be met. If my expectation didn’t meet, I would suddenly change my emotional and being left alone on myself. While I was sitting on a corner outside, Mr Chua saw and asked me what was happened. I just told him that I have minor headache and he let me have some pills for curing headache. After that, few minutes later, I went back to the classroom and packed my bag to go back the hostel earlier for some rest. When I reached the hostel room, I was immediately did my homework and skipped my lunch as I didn’t have an appetite to eat anything. So I did until 1.30pm plus, I walked down to the classroom on my own and by the time I reached, I found that no one was there as Mr Chua saw me while I was waiting and told me that today afternoon, the lesson was cancelled and these few days would be the days for our revision and project improvement. Then, I went to the staff room to help Mr Chua stapled the answer sheets for APPG that would be distributed to all of my classmates. Later, we have our conversation on how I could adjust my life when I would study in university. Then at about 2pm plus, one of my classmates was came to the staff room outside for the remedial on APPG as he has failed in the theory test 1. So I went off from them and headed back to my hostel for continuing on my homework. As I was doing, until 7pm plus, my group, Siew bo, Shaoming and I went down to Canteen 2 for having our dinner there. Actually we decided to have our dinner at outside. However the weather was seemed to be bad and it rained lightly and felt very cold at the same time. When we reached the canteen, we ordered our food and at the same we have taken some photos together with the staffs over there. They were seemed to be quite nice after we asked for their permission on taking the picture. After had our dinner, Siew bo told us that he wanted to go to the optical shop nearby for making his new pair of glasses and lens. The total cost that he bought and remade was about $270 or less than $280 in RMB, which was most likely less than $100 SGD. I found that it was quite reasonable and cheap in term of the glasses with certain degree. From what I knew that, the degree of Siew bo’s eyes was approximately 150 degree as it cost him about $280 RMB. As comparing in Singapore, the degree that he had now and the cost might be twice as expensive as here. I also found that I should do a pair of new glasses for myself in China before I was going to make a new one. However I was regretted in the beginning since I was still in Singapore. After that, we left the optical shop and went to the lake nearby where located near our school area. When we were making our way, it was still rained lightly and all of us felt so cold and freezing. By the time when we reached the lake nearby, we were suggested that whether wanted to have a look inside of the place called Shui Shi Jie, known as Water World. At first, we thought that this name was supposed some kind of aquarium place that could be visited. So we walked along the street in, it took us about 10-20 minutes to reach the place nearby. Although the building was seemed so close to us but yet so far from the distance that we walked. When we were about to reach the place, we saw there was a statue placed on the sea shore and went to have a look on it. Then, we saw this statue was linked to Taoism as the statue bottom, there was a symbol of classic of changes, known as Ba Gua. It was displayed on the ground. As we were there, we took a picture of the statue and the scene. Later, we continued walking to the place and we found that it wasn’t sort of aquarium place to visit. Yet we were been told that the building was originally for the local resident to live there. After we found out that, we immediately walked back to the hostel and continued doing on homework. As for today, I was totally lost control on my emotional as my expectation that set for my studies was not met. I should not to keep torture on myself whenever this situation. It would hurt on my surrounding people. As been told by Mr Chua today, I learnt that a person should learn how to relax and not to be stressful in term of studies or work. Not only that would hurt the surrounding but it would hurt me as well. Whenever difficult situation it is, I should able to control my emotion and continue to work as harder as possible.

Day 32 April 4

Today morning I woke up 6.15am to do laundry, wash up and other things. Then about 7.15am, I did my homework while I was waiting for my group members, Siew bo and Shaoming to be woke up from their sleep. Today’s morning we were supposed to go to Wuhan Zoo with the local students. Our tour lead for today’s trip was them as they were the ones who brought us out today. So about 8.30am, Shaoming, Siew bo and I were got our ready and walked down to the meeting place, Canteen 2 for having our breakfast with them. As we were our way there, the weather was seemed very badly and it was still rained lightly since last night. By the time when we reached the canteen, we saw none of them had reached so we went inside and had a seat while waiting for them. After about 10-15 minutes, they had reached the canteen and there were 2 of them were going with us. Then, they told us that the rest of their classmates were either busy or not able to come. Next, we were ordered our breakfast individually and had them before we made our move to the zoo. After had taken our breakfast, we went out to take a bus, bus no 907 and dropped off at one of the bus stops for transferring to another bus, bus no, 413 to Wuhan Zoo at Hanyang city. As we were inside the bus, we had our conversation with them and chatted until the moment when we reached the place. During the conversation that we had, I got to know their names by giving our self-introduction. Their names were called Yi ling and Yu qian. Then, as we were having our conversation along the journey, finally we had reached the destination after 90 minutes plus of travelling from our school. After we dropped off from the bus, we crossed the road and walked down through the street to reach the place. While we were on our way down there, I saw there was a sewage pipe that the water was drained out from the pipe hole through mid-air instead of draining through the sewage hole. Later, when we reached the zoo outside, we went to buy the entrance tickets from entrance booths outside. However, Yu qian and Yiling were tried their best to get us a student discount for the zoo entrance but the zoo staff management there didn’t allow us to have it after we had shown our both Singapore student pass and the WUST temporary student card. So ended up, we went to buy the tickets for 3 of us at the cost of $20 RMB each. However, between the student price and the normal adult price, the difference was $5 RMB. The cost of student price was $15 RMB and the normal adult price was $20 RMB. After we had bought our tickets, we went in the zoon through the entrance gate. And I saw there wasn’t much crowd around in the zoo as it was still raining. And the crowd there seem to be very little as I thought we were the only ones been there in the beginning. Then, we went to have a look on the map before we got to know how to walk around in the zoo as it was the first time that none of us been there before including Yiling and Yuqian. After knowing the walking path from the map, we began to start walking to our first area, called as “Pen Jing Yuan”, Forest Garden. It was the place that used to grow flowers and small trees that exists during the ancient time. Then, we began to know there was quite number of poems given by poet, Li bai during the past to those flowers and trees. Next, after been the garden, we went to see the animals like chimpanzee, pandas, peacocks, reptiles and etc. During the time when we got to see the pandas, there were two of them in their area. One of them was sleeping inside the cage hole and other was climbing up the tree. The one that climbed up the tree was staying up there so long as most of us included the people wanted to take a picture of it. I believed that this panda was so smart until it didn’t feel like coming down and let us to have a photo shot of it. After 10-20 minutes had passed, the panda was still up there at the tree top as we were kept our wait on it. Later, we were given up on waiting longer on it and we continued to proceed to another area for seeing other animals. As we were touring around in the zoo, one of the animals there I found was a species that neither looked like a cow nor like a sheep. And later, I was found out that its given name was “Mui Niu”. After that, we went and paid for a visit at an area that used to display the reptile species such as turtles, snakes, crocodiles and lizards. At about 3.15pm, we were began to make our move and came to the end of the zoo tour. Then, we went out and took the same bus no, 413 back to Wuchang city. From there, we would have our dinner before we were heading back to our school. After travelling 45 minutes of journey in the bus, we had reached the place where was near Guang Bu Tun and dropped off from the bus. Then, we were heading to the shopping mall nearby to have our dinner. When we reached the food court in the mall, we were suggested whether we could have the steamboat for our dinner. So we decided to have it and had our conversation while we were eating. After we had our dinner, we were made our way to another shopping mall that was located near Computer centre. As we were walking along, we had our conversation together and one of the topics that we talked was regarding to China alcoholic. According to what they told us that there was several types of China alcoholic and the highest percent that consist alcohol was up to 60% and yet it would easily to be fell after drinking a few slips of it. Then we reached to the mall that we used to visit before, from there we went up to the second level at the arcade and we played ourselves with the video game simulator machines. While most of us were playing, I joined and played the drum beating game together with Yu qian. We were seemed to be happy while the two of us were enjoy playing it. While we were playing, Shaoming and Siewbo went to exchange some gifts after they had won quite number of the tickets. After they had exchanged, they were immediately gave to Yu qian and Yiling as our small token for today’s trip. After all of us had finished playing, we went out to take bus no 907 back to our campus. At 8.55pm, the bus reached our school and dropped off from there. Then, I myself decided to send Yiling and Yu qian back to their hostel before I walked back to my hostel room. As for today’s trip, it was a great experience for me to have. And I had the opportunity to go to Wuhan Zoo in Hanyang city. I had never been Hanyang since the first day arrived in Wuchang, Wuhan. Although I was finding some time to go there for visiting the places like Guiyuan Temple, Wuhan Zoo. But for today, I was glad that my group members and I were brought there by our local friends here. I found that the sewage system in Hanyang city wasn’t as good as in Singapore. It would easily to cause floods on the main roads and walk paths during raining season. Then, in the evening as we talked about China alcoholic, I learnt that there were number of different alcoholic that could easily make a person to be drunk so easily after having a few slips of it. Unlike in Singapore, even the alcoholic have a small amount of percent that might not make a person to feel very dizzy and drunk easily. At the same time, I had also learnt that the more years that alcoholic stored, the higher the original price would be increased. Such as the wine stored 15 years, it sells about $2000 RMB and for 50 years, its selling price would increase up to $14K RMB or more. Through this trip, I had been improving on my communication level although I was not really talk much normally but in order not to let Yuqian and Yuling to be the ones who talked to us the whole day. So I decided to come out with some topics and improved my communication skill and the relationship that we had. However I also found that they were quite more generous than us although we didn’t expect let them to pay the bus fares for us in the beginning. As we were trying to give back the amount that they paid, they treated as their treat and rejected it. So the 3 of us in order not to gain something from nothing, we decided to give them a treat on dinner.


3 men shared a big umbrella

Cow or sheep?

Picture of the day..


Redeem for prizes!!