
Journal on OIP in China - Day 15 & 16

Day 15 March 18
This morning as usual, I woke up at about 6.15am to do some wash up before having my breakfast. After that, while I was waiting for my group mates to wake up, I also had my breakfast at the same time. At about 7.15am, I got my things prepared and walked down towards to the classroom. Today’s lesson was started at 8am instead of 9am usually because my first lesson was conducted by the China guest lecturer. The lesson was taught about the business etiquette in other countries as well as in China. The duration of the lesson took about 2-3 hours included 20 minutes break. Although the lesson was getting bored easily but I had tried my best to pay attention to what the lecturer taught and explained. After few hours passed, it was at about 11.15am, and then my group and I went to have our lunch together. Next, we went to the mobile shop where located at Canteen 1 to register for numbers that can be dialled through to Singapore. Later, about half an hour passed, we went back to our class together and waited for our lecturer to open up the door. Then, we were been told to do the summary on both business etiquette and business strategies that what our guest lecturer taught this morning. After had done our work, we were been assigned a task by our lecturers to go for Computer Centre, located at the street of “Guang Bu Tun” in the center of Wuhan. Then, we went as a group together with others and take a bus, bus no 901 to head towards our destination. When the bus has reached at outside the campus, we were tried to squeeze in as it was so packed. However, we were managed to board without having any difficulty. About half an hour passed, we had reached the place and dropped off from the bus. After we dropped off, we took some pictures of our group photos and walked separately with our own target and own time. Next, my group and I walked inside the computer mall with our classmates. As we went in, the inside of the mall was totally similar to Sim Lim Square in Singapore. However, the things they sell are expensive than Singapore as their taxes were high by importing from other countries. According to what our lecturer, Mr Chua said that it was wise to buy local brand rather than international brand as it was much cheaper to buy. After that, we walked out of the mall and started to walk along the street outside to see what other goods that people normally sell. As we walked, I was suddenly stopped by two lady promoters. Although I was not sure what they tried to promote but they insisted me to go down at basement 1 level and have a look on their shop. They were also mentioned that they sell goods for men’s health. At that time, I was a bit shocked and then went off to gather back with my group. Fortunately, I had managed to escape from the conversation they spoke, otherwise it would result unexpectedly. Next, after I had gathered back with my group and the rest, we were dropped at the mall outside, Information Computer Centre. Then, we went in and had some looks to search the things that we might want to buy. As we walked inside, there was nothing much from the first mall that we visited but as myself, I had bought a memory stick of 1GB for my camera. I bought it at the price of $75 which I found was quite alright and acceptable. Then, we went outside and walked along the street to buy some bites for filling our hunger. After that, we saw some pirated discs, dogs and some stuffs selling on the street as well. And there was two small puppies selling by a guy, and we asked him how much he sells. He said that each was cost about $4-10 RMB, which was very cheap than in Singapore. But we were not sure whether those small puppies needed to have their license name or etc. After that, we also had walked passed to this mall which was similar to Bugis Junction Mall in Singapore. There was an arcade for local people to play and consists about 20 stalls on each level, total about 50-60 stalls at four levels. Its size was about twice as big as in Singapore’s Bugis Junction. At about 5.29pm, we went back to the meeting point nearby for some shopping. Then we met the rest at 6pm, went back to our hostel together by taking same bus in return route. When we reached our campus outside, we went to have our dinner at the campus outside opposite. At about 7.15pm, we went back to the hostel and did our homework individually. As for today, I had learnt the lesson from talking with the strangers as I didn’t know what I could do. In future, I would try my best to be more alert whenever there’s an outing.

The guest lecturer, i not sure what his name called.

Doing work at the same time while listening..

My lunch..

Is there a bird? Such a rare chance to see it on the ground during the warm temperature.

The place that we visited today

Computer centre

Group photo

Inside the mall...

Looks like a place in Singapore, Bugis

Puppies that sell along the street

What a huge dog...

What are those people looking at???

OH!!! Looking at the chesss.. Interesting.....

Shops closed..

The memory stick i bought today..

What a long queue. What are they waiting for?

So squeezy in the bus... Jeremy, look at my camera!! HAHA!

What is Dave looking at?

Day 16 March 19
This morning, I woke up at about 7.30am. In the beginning, I was supposed to wake up at 6am but I was overslept due to lack of energy. As usual, I went to brush my teeth and washed up then got ready to go for morning class at 9am. Next, I had my breakfast while waited for my group members awoke then went for lesson together. Today’s morning lesson was nothing much but I used the time to do practical work on Lab 4. At about 11.20am, the class was ended and went to have lunch at Canteen 3 together with my classmates. Then, some of us were ordered a set of mixed vegetables rice and it cost about $5-6 RMB. The cost itself consists of 20 cents rice, $2 RMB for vegetables, $2 for chicken/beef/fish and the remaining for steam egg. In Singapore, having this kind of meal would probably cost more than $4-6 SGD. Normally for 2 meats + 1 veg rice costs about $2.50 - $3 SGD or more. After had our lunch, we walked around the canteen nearby and went back to our hostel. As our way back to hostel, we saw a basketball match having at outside of Canteen 2. The players were the students from School of Business and School of Information Engineering. As we walked passed there, they were practicing on their throwing. After 5-10 minutes passed, the match has started and we saw them played was different from Singapore and other countries. Although the game play was similar but they were hardly depend on one another sometimes. Most of the players from their team were one-man show as they played without passing the ball to their team players. At about 12.30pm plus, my roommate and I were decided to go back to our hostel first, so we left the rest to continue watching the match. After got back to hostel, I was tried to complete my homework as soon as possible. Later, at about 1.40pm, my group and I walked down and headed to the classroom for attending afternoon lesson. As for lesson on today’s afternoon, our lecturer, Mr Ma had conducted the lesson on chapter 4. When he was teaching the new chapter, I didn’t understand quite well in the beginning. However he also had shown some examples from the new concept on try/catch statement, and I begun to realize how it worked. At about 4.50pm, the class was ended as the time flied. So most of our classmates had left except my roommate and I were staying back to complete our work on lab 4. Then, we packed our things as our lecturer told us that he had things to do on his work after he locked up the door. After that, we got back to our hostel and continued doing on our work. Until 7pm plus, I decided to go out and had my dinner myself as my other group members were still at outside to buy their needs and stuffs. As usual, I went to the same place and had my dinner. After that, I went to buy some bread for tomorrow breakfast as well. As for today, it was pretty nothing much went on except that I had learnt some new concepts from the chapter 4 of APPG module. After had learning what been taught, I would apply them to do my mini-project in the week 5 or 6.

What are they doing?

The APPG lab..

My favourite lab work

Shoot! Faster shoot!!!