
Journal on OIP in China - Day 17 & 18

Day 17 March 20
Today as usual, I woke up at about 6.30am, washed up, washed clothes and got myself prepared to attend for morning lesson at 9am. After that, I went to have my breakfast and checked my semester result. The result was actually released at 9am according to the announcement but it was posted earlier. As I checked the result, I was felt very surprised. I have managed to achieve 3 distinctions and I thought I would turn out to have at most A or A+ in the beginning. However, the percentage I improved was better than previous semester. Next, after had done checking, most of my roommates were awoke and they were immediately checked their result. And their results were turned out to have passed instead of failed. Later about 8.30am, my group and I had got ourselves prepared and walked down towards to our classroom. While we were on our way to classroom, my shoes were suddenly broke off unexpectedly and I had to drag them along our way. Today’s morning lesson was APPG, as usual I continued doing on my lab 4 for troubleshooting on the error. Later before the lunch break, I had managed to complete and showed to our lecturer, Mr Ma for verified the programming procedure. Next, at about 11.20am, we packed our stuffs and walked down towards Canteen 3 to have our lunch. As usual, we were ordered mixed vegetables with rice from the same stall. Then, when we were eating, the canteen was totally blacked out suddenly. And all the students and the staffs had difficulty on paying their food. After had our lunch, we went down to the level 1 of Canteen 3 to buy some grocery items. And we found that not only the canteen was blacked out, the whole campus was involved as well. Next, we went back to hostel and took some rest before we attended the afternoon class at 2pm. Until 1.30pm, my group and I walked down and on the way to the classroom. By the time we reached, our lecturer, Mr Ma was about to start on APPG’s mini project. According to the instructions given by Mr Ma, he said that it has to be done individually instead of group. In the meanwhile, I had the idea on the title and asked for request instead of doing the same title together. At about 4pm, the class was about to end and we got released early for going back to pack our stuffs on tomorrow’s trip. Then, on the way back to hostel, I left from my group and went to the campus library for finding C# books on the project research. When I entered into the building, the library itself consists of 4 levels and the top level was forbidden to access. While third and forth level, most of the rooms were study area for the full-time students. And there were nothing much for the books to be borrowed. Most of the books were friction type, non-friction type and magazines. The places that can be borrowed were located at first and third level. However, there was a condition that allowed for entering these places. When I was about to go inside, I was stopped two times by the librarian there. The first time was my bag as there was not allowed to enter with the bag along. So I placed my bag on the table where located beside the counter. Then, as I entered again, I was stopped second time due to the exchange with the pass. The pass has to be the full-time student identification card, it was just like the student card which normally use in Singapore. Without it, no one was allowed to enter for borrowing books. Then, I walked out of the library and went back to the hostel. In the hostel, I was doing my homework on APPG and IS assignment as there were due for this week. So I had to complete them as soon as I could. At about 6.40pm, I went outside and had my dinner on my own at the usual place. After that, I went back to hostel and waited until 9.30pm for briefing on tomorrow’s trip As today was nothing much to talk about but unfortunately I couldn’t manage to borrow any book from the library there. However, I had gained an experience for knowing more on how the system works differently from Singapore.

Lunch for today

Canteen blackout but people still queueing for food.


Poster in library.

Day 18 March 21
Today, I woke up at 5am in the morning to get myself wash up and prepared for going to the trip at Wudang Mountain. After that, I had my breakfast and waited for my group members awoke at the same time. At about 6.30am, my group and I were got ourselves ready and headed down to the main gate for meeting with the rest and the tour guide. By the time when we reached there, we were the first group to be arrived earlier than others. Later to 7am, the rest of us had reached and managed to get into the bus. The duration of the journey took us about 5 hours more to reach our destination, from Wuhan to Wudang Mountain. However, we were given two times of 10 minutes toilet break along the journey. The first 10 minutes was at 8.10am while the other 10 minutes was at 10.05am. After 5-6 hours passed, we reached our destination, Wudang Mountain finally. And then, at about 1.30pm, we went to have our lunch in the restaurant where was located at the nearby area. Next, after had our lunch, we went to board the bus and set off to the entry of Wudang Mountain Tourist Centre. About 3-5 minutes passed, we reached the place and dropped off from the bus. Then, we walked to the entrance gateway building inside and waited to receive our tickets from our lecturers. Then, we waited about 10-15 minutes and immediately boarded the tour bus after we got our tickets. Next, when we were in the bus, the duration for the journey took us about 25-30 minutes to reach. As we were travelling, we were felt dizzy in the middle as the road wasn’t wide and straight normally. And the bus driver had to make many turns in a short time. Later, after half an hour passed, we reached our first visit at Tai Zi Po, the Prince Temple to visit the temples there. Next, we climbed up the staircase and went inside the area to take some pictures at the same time. About an hour passed, I left with the rest first and headed down to the bus area for taking some photos. Then, after had taken, we boarded the tour bus and headed to our second destination at Zi Xiao Gong, the Purple Heaven Palace. When the moment we dropped off from the bus, my group and I were taken some photos at the temple outside. Then, we also had seen their disciples came out from the temple as we were walking in. Later, when we got inside the temple, we saw the students and their master had their training outside the temple. They were having their practice session on their moves. I saw one of their disciples were made mistake and their master punched on the stomach as the punishment. After I saw it, I was shocked and surprised. The group consists about 10-15 of them. Then, we went inside the temple with our tour lead and had our pray to the deity’s statues. After had our visit on the temples at the top level, I left with the rest and went down to meet up with my group. We caught our views on the practice session from the disciples there. We watched it about 10-15 minutes before we went down to the bus parking area. As we walked down the staircase, we also saw the disciples having their training. The training was very tough as they needed to complete many rounds on climbing the staircase. Next, while we reached the bus area, we were waiting for the rest to board the bus together. At about 3.30pm, we boarded the bus and headed to our last destination at Wu Ya Ling, the Crow Ridge, followed by Nan Tian Men, the Southern Heaven Gate and Wudang Shan, Wudang Mountain. As we walked along, we saw some historical buildings and temples. When we were up there, we took some photos on the mountain scene and the temples. It was pretty interesting to see as we walked along. At about 5.15pm, my group and I went down to bus area for waiting our lecturers and the rest to board the bus together. At about 6pm, the rest of us had managed to get into the bus and headed downhill to the entrance gateway. Then, we reached after half an hour passed. Later about 7pm, we boarded our bus and went to have our dinner at the same restaurant. After had eaten our dinner, we boarded the bus and brought us to the hotel nearby for our stay in one night. When we reached the hotel, we were given the keys by our lecturer and opened up our room. Later, after we placed our luggage, my group and I went outside the hotel and walked along the street for our shopping. The street was almost quite silent as most of the shops were closed after 9pm. And it was around 9.30pm as we were walking along. An hour later, we went back to our hotel and had some rest for tomorrow’s event. As today was nothing much for my view but I was glad that I have the opportunity on experiencing mountain climbing by the staircase and knowing their culture such as their daily routine in their staying. However I felt that those disciples that given training were very tough and yet they were easily to be punished by their master even if they made a small mistake.

Temperature getting warmer and warmer..

Lunch for today

Does this container contain wine? hmm... wondering..

Study area.

Wonder what it means... Still thinking....

Wudang Mountain

The scene of Wudang Mountain

A row of wooden chairs

A machine that charges handphone free.



The motel that we stayed for an night.

Curious? Found it in the motel..

Picture of the day.